We have recently seen a couple of claims come through our office, where an employee was assaulted during a robbery in the early Morning hours. In one case, the employee was severely beaten. This will end up being a very large Workers Compensation claim.
In both cases, the service station had the ability to lock the doors at night and have the employee work through a cash drawer behind bullet-resistant glass. Unfortunately, they did not do so. We have also had a $3,000,000 Workers Compensation claim were an employee was working thru a cash drawer but opened up the locked door to allow a “customer” into the mini mart. The cashier was then viciously beaten and the employee ended up with severe brain damage. Some dealers are comfortable with not requiring their employees to follow these strict procedures of locking the doors after normal business hours, working through the cash drawers only and not unlocking the door for anyone. We understand, in some situations, like most Arco AM/PM’s, they cannot incorporate these procedures. If you have this protection in place, we strongly urge you to implement these employee safety procedures and strictly enforcing them. For 24 hour service station operations, most Workers Compensation Insurance Companies now require you that if you have lock down capabilities, that you strictly enforce them. And, if you cannot do lock down procedures, they are now requiring that you to have 2 people working the night shift. By enforcing these proper safety procedures, you will help keep your premiums down and more importantly, your employees safe. Feel free to contact us for any questions you may have and thank you again for you continued business!
RKM Insurance AGENCY
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