Dear Valued Customer,
This newsletter will be covering Employment Practice Liability Insurance (EPLI) EPLI Insurance is protection, which covers you against claims arising from your employees for such things as Discrimination (race, sex, religion, etc..), Harassment (sexual or otherwise) and Wrongful termination. Some policies will also extend these coverage’s to claims filed against you by third parties (your customers). Please note that most of these policies DO NOT cover you for wage and hour dispute claims. EPLI coverage is not automatically provided under your current standard Workers Compensation and / or your General Liability policies. Also EPLI Insurance has never been a requirement of the oil companies. It is a "peace of mind" coverage. We recommend you talk to your attorney, as this is becoming one of the most important coverage you need in order to protect yourself from these type of claims. In the last year, there has been several claims filed against our service station customers. They included but not limited to; wrongful termination, age discrimination, sexual discrimination, religious discrimination, sexual harassment and also a customer suing for discrimination. Attorneys are now focusing their attention in this area, And, whether or not you did everything right and had the proper procedures in place, the attorney expenses to defend these claims and the potential payouts could well exceed $20,000 to $30,000. The good news is you have several options, and RKM Insurance can provide you with EPLI coverage to fit your needs against these clams. Please contact your agent for more information and a quote. Even if you do not purchase an EPLI policy, which can be costly and with very high deductibles ($10,000 to $50,000), you should keep up with what’s going on in your industry and educate yourself to help reduce the possibility of having a loss. There are things you can do without the cost of attorneys , Employee Handbooks , time cards documenting lunch periods were taken as well as the 10 minute breaks, training your employees how to handle difficult situations, Etc. California is always passing new laws that affect us business owners every day, drive us nuts and costs us money .
For those of you that might have overlooked ”Employment Practices Liability - I“ (please use the side bar to review) concerning the growing claims between an Employer and Employee, or maybe missed hearing about a fellow Gas Station operator who is currently faced with a large multi-million dollar class action lawsuit. RKM is here to continue to keep you well informed.
Even if you do not purchase an EPLI policy, which can be costly and with very high deductibles ($10,000 to $50,000), you should keep up with what’s going on in your industry and educate yourself to help reduce the possibility of having a loss. California is always passing new laws that affect us business owners every day, drive us nuts and costs us money . You should be able to open the new “ Updates “ for California (see attached). We urge you to take the time and read through the links provided in the attached. Please contact your Agent at RKM (Randy, Rick, Brandon, Rola, Ernie or Barry) for any questions you may have, and we will be happy to assist you. Thank you again for your continuing business This newsletter will be covering Employment Practice Liability Insurance (EPLI)
EPLI Insurance is protection, which covers you against claims arising from your employees for such things as Discrimination (race, sex, religion, etc..), Harassment (sexual or otherwise) and Wrongful termination. Some of these policies will also extend these coverage’s to claims filed against you by third parties (your customers). EPLI coverage is not automatically provided under your current standard Workers Compensation and / or your General Liability policies. Also EPLI Insurance has never been a requirement of the oil companies. It is a "peace of mind" coverage. We recommend you talk to your attorney, as this is becoming one of the most important coverage you need in order to protect yourself from these type of claims. In the last year, there has been several claims filed against our service station customers. They included but not limited to; wrongful termination, age discrimination, sexual discrimination, religious discrimination, sexual harassment and also a customer suing for discrimination. Attorneys are now focusing their attention in this area, And, whether or not you did everything right and had the proper procedures in place, the attorney expenses to defend these claims and the potential payouts could well exceed $20,000 to $30,000. The good news is you have several options, and RKM Insurance can provide you with EPLI coverage to fit your needs against these clams. Please contact your agent for more information and a quote. We thank you for your continued business. |
RKM Insurance AGENCY
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